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Category Archives: News

Myanmar: Note on Printing and Publishing Enterprises Law Amendments

24 July 2023. On 6 March 2023, the military council ruling Myanmar issued amendments to the Printing and Publishing Enterprises Law (PPEL). These amendments weakened the already inadequate safeguards contained in the PPEL to protect the printing, publishing and news industries from abuses of power. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) has published a … Continue reading

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Report on Developing a System for Professional Media Regulation

28 June 2023. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) has prepared a Note on Professional Regulation of the Media as part of its wider work focusing on Myanmar. The aim is to support local actors to work together with the aim of putting in place a self-regulatory system to help improve professionalism among independent … Continue reading

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Invitation: Open Course on Freedom of Expression in Myanmar

8 June 2023. CLD invites you to join our online course, Freedom of Expression: International Law and the Practice in Myanmar. This nine-week online course, to be conducted in English, involves weekly one and one-half hour interactive lectures, discussions, background readings and an opportunity to interact with others who share your interest. The first six … Continue reading

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Mexico: Global Community Calls on Senators to Appoint Information Commissioners

17 May 2023. The lead oversight body for access to information in Mexico, the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI), is currently unable to function because the Mexican President and Senate have refused to appoint new commissioners, so that the body currently lacks the quorum required to operate. Over … Continue reading

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2023 Joint Declaration on Media Freedom and Democracy

2 May 2023. Today, the specialised mandates tasked with promoting and protecting freedom of expression at the UN, OAS, OSCE and African Commission launched their annual Joint Declaration, this year on Media Freedom and Democracy. The Joint Declaration, which was drafted with the assistance of the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), describes the important … Continue reading

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CLD Joins Letter on Internet Shutdowns in India

7 April 2023.  CLD has joined a letter calling on India to review and reform the legal and regulatory framework governing internet shutdowns in India. It notes that “(u)nfettered access for all to an open, secure, and reliable internet is vital to the protection of fundamental rights in India, and to ensure that the livelihoods … Continue reading

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Canada: Submission to the UPR on the Right to Information

5 April 2023. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), in collaboration with the Centre for Free Expression (CFE), the Canadian Institute for Information and Privacy Studies (CIIPS) and Democracy Watch, has made a Submission to Session 44 of the Universal Periodic Review on the Right to Information in Canada, a process which is overseen … Continue reading

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Pakistan: Amicus Brief Challenging Criminal Defamation

20 March 2023. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) and the Institute for Research, Advocacy and Development (IRADA) have submitted an amicus curiae brief to the Islamabad High Court on behalf of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ). The case involves a constitutional challenge to Pakistan’s criminal defamation provisions, which provide for sanctions … Continue reading

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Note on UNESCO’s Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms

16 March 2023. Last week, the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) submitted a Note on UNESCO’s Guidelines for Regulating Digital Platforms Draft 2.0 to UNESCO as part of the process of review of those Guidelines. The Note includes a number of general comments on the Guidelines along with more specific suggestions on amending individual … Continue reading

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Report on Integrating Ethnic Content into Public Service Broadcasting

27 February 2023. Today, the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) is launching a report on Integrating Ethnic Content into Public Service Broadcasting, as part of its wider work focusing on Myanmar. The report outlines the key international standards governing public service broadcasting (PSB), and then focuses on how these broadcasters can and should reflect … Continue reading

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Launch of Guides on Making Access to Information Requests and Appealing Denials at the World Bank and IFC

16 February 2023. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) and Bank Information Center (BIC) are today launching two user-friendly Guides on making requests for information at the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The Guides describe how to file a request for information from these two institutions and how to appeal in … Continue reading

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Launch of Case Studies on Building Media Lawyers’ Networks

8 February 2023. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) is releasing three case studies featuring the work of the following media lawyers’ networks: Tornavoz, Brazil; Myanmar Media Lawyers’ Network; and Media Law Resource Center, United States. The case studies are authored by Charlene Nagae, Executive Director of Tornavoz, Jeffrey Hermes, Deputy Director of Media … Continue reading

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Invitation: Accessing Information and Filing Appeals at the World Bank Group

You are invited to a webinar on accessing information at the World Bank Group on 16 February 2023 at 10:00 AM EST. To join the webinar on 16 February, please click the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81888461343?pwd=WUkyZGlXc01odXdZaUtaMWc5SFUxUT09 

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Invitation to Panel Discussion: Case Studies in Building a Media Lawyers’ Network

You are invited to a Panel Discussion: Case Studies in Building a Media Lawyers’ Network on 8 February 2023 at 10:00 AM EST. This panel discussion highlights the experiences of lawyers in three countries in forming a network of media lawyers. It will be moderated by Laura Notess, Senior Legal Officer at CLD, and will … Continue reading

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Myanmar: Note on the 2021 Amendment to the Counter-Terrorism Law

26 January 2023. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) is today releasing a brief Note on a 2021 Amendment to Myanmar’s Counter-Terrorism Law. This Amendment, introduced by the military regime after the February 2021 coup, increased the penalties for a number of vaguely defined expressive acts linked to terrorism from one to three years’ … Continue reading

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Are You a Law Student Interested in International Human Rights? Summer Internship Applications Now Open

17 January 2023. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), an international human rights organisation based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, will host up to four interns for the summer of 2023. The position will involve a range of substantive legal work in areas such as freedom of expression, media law, digital rights and access to … Continue reading

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Model Training Materials: Hate Speech, Defamation and National Security

20 December 2022. The Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) is today releasing a new document, Model Training Materials: Hate Speech, Defamation and National Security. These training materials focus on three commonly applied restrictions on freedom of expression under international human rights law. They are designed as a resource for professional networks of media lawyers … Continue reading

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Inter-American Development Bank: Analysis of the Proposed Access to Information Policy

5 December 2022. Today, the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) is releasing Inter-American Development Bank: Analysis of the Proposal for the New Access to Information Policy. The Analysis welcomes a number of improvements in the new Proposal, particularly in terms of tightening up the regime of exceptions by making most exceptions harm tested and … Continue reading

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Report on Progress Towards Sustainable Development Goal 16

17 November 2022. Today, the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD), in collaboration with a number of other civil society organisations that make up the Sustainable Development Goal 16 Data Initiative, is launching a report on progress towards achieving SDG 16, SDG 16 Data Initiative Report 2022: Are we on track to meeting the 2030 … Continue reading

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Myanmar: Mapping Democratic Framework for Free Expression

3 November 2022. CLD has today released an Outline of the key elements that should be contained in any democratic legal framework which governs freedom of expression. The goal is to provide guidance to civil society and other interested stakeholders in Myanmar on how to create a framework which is consistent with international standards. “The … Continue reading

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